The Challenges of Networking and Getting Referrals for Your Business

The Challenges of Networking and Getting Referrals for Your Business

Published on
September 16, 2024

In today’s business world, networking is essential for growth. Most of us rely on word-of-mouth and referrals to connect with potential clients, especially in industries where relationships and trust are critical. However, getting others to actively refer your business can be a challenge.

Common Networking Challenges:

Overwhelmed by Contacts: You might meet a lot of people, but staying top of mind can be difficult. People often have a limited bandwidth to remember everyone they meet. When you attend a conference, it is even more challenging to remember everyone.


Lack of Clarity: Even when people are willing to refer your business, they may not fully understand what you do. They may know but they may not know how to express it in the right words. This can lead to awkward or incomplete introductions.


Effort Required to Make Referrals: Traditional referrals involve effort—people need to either write a message, send an email, or engage in a face-to-face introduction. Or they may need to pick up the phone and are not comfortable leaving the right message.That can be a barrier for some who might be willing but too busy to take the time.

Referrals Get Lost: The process of referring someone is often informal, meaning it's easy for those introductions to slip through the cracks. Let’s face it; people are busy! If a reminder is not set, they may forget.

All of these factors can make it difficult for businesses to effectively leverage networking and build lasting referral pipelines. So how can you make it easier for people to connect others to your business? 

Enter Pitch59: Simplifying the Referral Process

A tool like Pitch59 can solve many of these challenges by providing a streamlined, easy-to-use platform that makes referring your business simple, engaging, and effective.

Benefits of Using Pitch59:

Digital Business Cards: With Pitch59, your networking contacts don’t need to remember all your details. They can quickly send your **Pitch59 digital pitch card**, which contains a short video pitch along with your contact info, social media links, and more. This ensures the right message gets across every time.

Effortless Referrals: The simplicity of Pitch59 means that people can refer your business with a few taps. They don’t have to type out long introductions or struggle to explain what you do—your video does it for them!

You Control the Pitch: Unlike traditional referrals where the referrer might not get your business quite right, you control the message with Pitch59. Your video pitch is clear, concise, and communicates exactly what your business is about, so there’s no confusion for the potential client.

Memorable Impressions: Video is much more personal than a standard business card or text introduction. Your face, tone, and energy help make a stronger, more lasting impression.

Tracking and Analytics: Pitch59 also allows you to see when and how often your card is viewed, giving you valuable insights into how your referrals are performing.

Getting people to refer your business can be a hurdle, but with tools like Pitch59, you can make it easier for your network to introduce you to potential clients in an effortless and impactful way. By eliminating the friction in the referral process, you can significantly improve your chances of landing more business and growing your network.

Networking doesn’t have to be hard—sometimes, all it takes is the right tool to make it simple! You may just see your referral stats start soaring every week! 

Watch the Elevator Pitch!